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Sewing Machine Felt | Over 80 Colors of Wool Felt Ribbons for Sewing

Perfect for any project from the small scale to the large, our 100% pure imported Merino wool felt ribbons for sewing are available in 2 yard lengths and more than 80 colors. Our wool ribbons are cut perfectly straight, making it ideal for sewing on a die-cutting machine. The wool is easy to use, ecologically friendly, non flammable and is much safer for use around pets and children than synthetic wool or wool blends. The dyes used in many other companies’ wool ribbons can be harmful to children, babies and pets but not the dyes used at the Felt Pod!

Our safe and high quality felt ribbons are perfect for projects such as dog leashes, dog collars, quilts, clothes, scrapbooks, bows, binding edges of a blanket, toys, dolls, pillows, hair clips and much more; the only limit to what you can use our bows for is your imagination!

The Felt Pod goes to great lengths to make sure we use only the best quality wool felt for sewing. Our wool ribbons are certified Okeo-Tex standard 100 and we import only the best wool at very competitive prices. International shipping is available.